Fashion. Forward. With the Fashion Innovation Alliance

We're thrilled to have been invited to participate in the Fashion + Tech Showcase produced by the Fashion Innovation Alliance in Washington DC on June 15th. The alliance was founded by Kenya Wiley, former counsel and senior policy adviser for the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and this inaugural showcase is unique in how it's bringing together policymakers and technologists.

"We are bringing fashion tech — the latest wearables, smart apparel and fashion apps — to the United States Capitol at Fashion + Tech Showcase 2016. Our inaugural showcase is an opportunity for Washington policymakers to engage with the fashion tech community and learn more about the economic benefits and social value of fashion tech. Technology is spurring a fashion revolution and our stakeholders across the fashion tech spectrum — from start-ups to corporations, from investors to advocates, from academics to students — will all play a significant role in shaping the future of fashion tech.” -Kendra Wiley

We look forward to adding to this conversation and will do a follow up post on what we've learned!