Fashion Tech: Create Your Own Interactive Garment Pt 2

Explore the world of Fashion Technology and learn to integrate interactive components into garments with Birce Ozkan. We will explore the use of different sensors such as light, distance, motion, touch and sound as the materials to create interactive garments. Participants will learn how to use those sensors and integrate them into garments to create reactive pieces using LED lights.

In the second part, we will talk about input and output systems for microcontrollers and learn how to read data from sensors. You’ll be introduced to different techniques required to integrate interactive components into garments, how to select the best possible sensor to create reactive garments using LEDs and establish a simple but robust design pipeline to go from an idea to a functional garment prototype. With a choice of photocell or sound sensors, participants will design their own wearable technology piece with integrated circuitry.

Buy tickets to the 3 Part course HERE